Monday, July 31, 2017

June and July 2017 favorites

A couple months, I started a new series where at the end of each month I share some of my favorite things. Some may be things I’m reading or watching. Some may be body or beauty products. Some may be kitchen and food related. Some may be travel or adventure related. Today I’m sharing my June and July favorites (in no particular order).

Note: some of these items contain affiliate links, but nothing in this post is directly sponsored by any company... I'm just sharing what I like! 

June and July 2017 favorites | Airbnb

Travel: Airbnb 
After not traveling for almost the first 6 months of 2017, I’ve made up for lost time! We traveled to NYC the end of June/beginning of July, to North Dakota/Minnesota the middle two weeks of July, unexpectedly to South Carolina (while in the middle of our ND/MN trip) for a funeral, and now I’m currently in Minneapolis on a quick trip. Whew!

For the NYC trip and the SC trip, we used Airbnb for our lodging. Both were great experiences and we especially loved having a full kitchen at our disposal. I don’t love to do a lot of cooking while on trips—I’d much rather bring a bunch of batch-cooked foods with me & reheat as necessary, but it was nice to have a full fridge and freezer for storing foods and to be able to make easy breakfasts for family. Also, for both of these trips, it was much more economical to book with Airbnb than to stay in hotels.

Make sure to vet your Airbnb listings well before booking them. If you’re especially keen on having a good kitchen, make sure to read whether it’s fully equipped or not, and pay attention to what’s in the photos. Even in a fully equipped kitchen (and even if i’m not planning on doing much actual cooking), I usually bring along some of my own kitchen tools, such as dish soap & a sponge, a dish towel (which also doubles as a hot pad), a mini cutting board, paring knife, spatula, kitchen shears, and ziplock bags.

For more information on how I travel while following AIP, check out these two posts here AND here. I myself was so out of practice with traveling that I referenced my own posts before recent trips ;)

June and July 2017 favorites | German Sweet Potato Salad from "Nourish"

Recipe: The German (White Sweet) Potato Salad from “Nourish: the Paleo Healing Cookbook”
I am ever so thankful to my friend Rachael from “Meatified” for developing this potato salad recipe. I’ve made it many many times (including two double batches in July alone), & it’s always a crowd pleaser, even for non-AIP/Paleo people. It’s also a salad that gets better with age, so don’t be afraid to make it a little in advance (or to make a double batch). A couple minor changes I make: I usually sub finely chopped scallions for the chives—I never have chives on hand, but I always have scallions. I also really like celery & will add a little more than the recipe calls for. And when in doubt, double the recipe. You’ll never regret the leftovers.

“Nourish” is full of delicious, all-AIP, restaurant-quality recipes. While this potato salad recipe can only be found in “Nourish,” I’d say the purchase price of the book is worth it even if you only make this potato salad!

June and July 2017 favorites | Kitchen Shears

Tool: Kitchen Shears
I have the Mercer Culinary Kitchen Shears (
One kitchen tool I never like to be without is my kitchen shears. I only began using specific kitchen shears in earnest since culinary school, but they’re a tool I use so often that I have multiple pairs. They’re not only useful for opening packaging, but I also use them to cut bacon into pieces, snipping herbs, cutting scallions, butterflying poultry, and much more. I never realized how much I rely on my shears until traveling to other kitchens and NOT having them along!

I have the Mercer Culinary Kitchen Shears, but there are other good quality options out there. One feature I especially look for is that they come apart, which makes cleaning them (and drying them) much easier.

June and July 2017 favorites | Trader Joe's Organic Grass fed Hot Dogs (nightshade-free!!)

(Almost) AIP Product: Trader Joe’s Organic Grassfed Hot Dogs NIGHTSHADE FREE! 
It’s really ironic, given my former vegetarian ways, how much I really love hot dogs. But, I hadn’t eaten hot dogs in over 3 years since nearly all hot dogs contain “spices,” which generally means NIGHTSHADE ALERT. However, hot dogs are back in my diet, thanks to these organic grass fed hot dogs from Trader Joe’s. They do require AIP reintroductions of white pepper and nutmeg, but they are completely nightshade free (and delicious). I’ve also reintroduced mustard, so I enjoy dipping my hot dogs in Sir Kensington’s Dijon Mustard.

One tip: should you need to cook your hot dogs on a shared grill, such as at a friend’s house for a BBQ, wrap the hot dogs in foil & then grill. They won’t get grill marks, but there also won’t be cross-contamination.

June and July 2017 favorites | Paleo On The Go
My first POTG order from August 2016. Note: some of their packaging has changed since then! 

Convenience Food: Paleo On The Go
I’ve placed 4 large orders from Paleo On The Go’s AIP menu over the past year & have found it to be a great option, especially when traveling. For those not familiar with POTG, they’re a paleo (with AIP options) frozen meal company that delivers throughout the US. I’ve primarily used their meals as a replacement for eating out while traveling. Yes, they can be more expensive than traditional frozen meals, but POTG makes delicious products and they use high quality ingredients. It’s such a treat to eat good food that I’m confident won’t cause me to get sick (like eating out sometimes can) and that I didn’t have to make myself! My personal favorite has been the beef pot pies.

POTG also came in really handy earlier this month while we were in ND visiting my parents—I’d had a big order of POTG products shipped to their house ahead of our arrival—but suddenly found out we needed to go to SC for a funeral. I didn’t have enough time to do as much batch cooking as I normally would for a trip like that, but thankfully I could take some POTG things (like beef breakfast empanadas and bacon apple chicken burgers with maple cranberry sauce and chicken breakfast sausage) frozen in my checked luggage. I then used our Airbnb oven to re-heat some of them, & some items (like the breakfast sausage) I just ate cold!

June and July 2017 favorites | Beautycounter Sun Screen

Beauty: Beautycounter Sun Screen
As I’ve cleaned up my body products, finding good quality sunscreen that works and isn’t full of bad ingredients (and doesn’t leave me looking ghostly white) has been a challenge! Last summer, I won a tube of Beautycounter Protect All Over Sunscreen SPF 30 from a Beautycounter party and I’ve been hooked ever since. I love that it works well, it has good ratings from EWG, AND it doesn’t leave my skin all white.

I’ve also become a fan of their sunscreen sticks. Especially while we were traipsing around NYC, it was so handy to have the face-sized sunscreen stick in my purse for easy reapplication. I've also recently ordered a body-sized sunscreen stick, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

While I’m not a consultant with Beautycounter, you can order products through your favorite consultant (I’m sure you probably know *someone* who sells it, if you’re in the AIP/Paleo-sphere) or through the Beautycounter website.

So those are a few of my favorites from June and July. What are you loving lately?

Some of these items include affiliate links, meaning Sweet Treats makes a small commission off items purchased 
after a link is clicked with no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support.


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  34. يختص افضل دكتور مخ وأعصاب بتقديم العلاج الطبي غير الجراحي للحالات والأمراض التي تصيب المخ والعمود الفقري والجهاز العصبي.
    الحالات التي يعالجها طبيب المخ والاعصاب
    تشمل الحالات التي يعالجها دكتور مخ وأعصاب ما يلي:
    • مرض الزهايمر أو الخرف.
    • ألم الظهر.
    • إصابات الدماغ والحبل الشوكي.
    • ورم المخ.
    • الصرع.
    • الصداع والصداع النصفي.
    • مرض الشلل الرعاش.
    • انضغاط الأعصاب.
    • السكتات الدماغية.
    • النوبات.
    • اعتلال الأعصاب المحيطية.
    • مرض التصلب المتعدد.
    • اضطرابات النوم.
    • إدارة الألم.
    • التصلب الجانبي الضموري (ALS) .
    • اضطرابات الأعصاب الطرفية.
    • مشاكل النطق.

    ولأن علم المخ الأعصاب مجالاً واسعاً يتعامل مع العقل والجهاز العصبي بأكمله، فقد يركز الطبيب على بعض التخصصات الفرعية كأن يكون افضل دكتور مخ وأعصاب اطفال او احد التخصصات الآتية:
    • طب أعصاب الأطفال.
    • طب الأعصاب الوعائي.
    • الصرع.
    • علم الأعصاب السلوكي.
    • الاضطرابات اللاإرادية.
    • أمراض الأوعية الدموية (رعاية السكتة الدماغية).
    • اضطرابات النوم.
    • إدارة الألم.
    ما هي مواصفات دكتور مخ واعصاب وعمود فقري شاطر
    هناك العديد من العوامل التي تميز دكتور مخ واعصاب عن طبيب اخر، ويمكن القول ان دكتور المخ والاعصاب المتميز تسبقه سمعته وتتحدث عنه اعماله.
    وفيما يلي نعرض عليكم اهم مييزات طبيب الاعصاب الناجح:
    1- طبيب حاصل علي اعلى المؤهلات العلمية في مجال تخصصه
    2- افضل جراح مخ واعصاب لدية خبرات وافية وسنوات من العمل في المستشفيات والعيادات المتخصصة.
    3- يكون علي اطلاع دائم علي احدث التطورات والدوريات العلمية المتعلقة بمجال عمله.
    4- يكون حاصل على الزمالة من احدي كليات الطب العالمية في تخصصه.
    5- يحضر المؤتمرات العلمية في الداخل والخارج.
    يمكنكم التواصل مع افضل دكتور مخ واعصاب في مصر الجديدة للحصول علي افضل علاج، استاذ دكتور ابراهيم عبدالمحسن ، استشاري طب وجراحة المخ والاعصاب بمستشفيات جامعة عين شمس.

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  45. "I wanted to share my favorite things for June and July. You can do it too. It's not hard. Just share your favorites with me."

    Favorite things for June:

    - My favorite photo from my trip to Japan

    - My favorite ice cream flavor - vanilla

    - My favorite color of the month - green

    Favorite things for July:

    - The best way to spend a day at the beach

    - A summer drink I love - watermelon lemonade

  46. June:

    1. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

    2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

    3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling

    4. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

    5. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

    6. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

    7. A Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, & the World of Westeros, George R R Martin

    8 .The Catcher in the Rye, J D Salinger

    9 .The Lord of the Rings, J R R Tolkien

    10 .A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L'Engle July: 1-4) All American Boys (Jason Reynolds) 5-8) One Day in December (Jodi Picoult) 9-14) Splendor & Misery of Love.

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